The Archdiocese of Chapecó has acknowledged what it called an “isolated incident of inadvertent violation of liturgical norms ...
As Pope Francis, the oldest pope in over a century, continues to decline in health, speculation is percolating as to who will ...
Cardinal Ferrão appeals to the faithful to become Pilgrims of Hope The Catechetical Association of St Thomas Church, Aldona, ...
U.S. bishops have stepped gingerly into a disagreement with the Catholic vice president, which follows previous conflict ...
All fifth Sundays are a joint service of the two churches with communion rotating between the Episcopal tradition and the ...
The Basilica of St. Nicholas in Amsterdam is being elevated to a cathedral, the Diocese Haarlem-Amsterdam said on Friday. The ...
Historic Hutchinson hopes to preserve the windows of St. John’s Episcopal Church on Hassan Street, starting this winter with glass coverings. Later, according to Historic Hutchinson ...
St. John’s Episcopal Church, Hutchinson’s oldest sanctuary, will soon glow anew thanks to efforts from the Historic Hutchinson preservation group. The church, which was first built in ...
Fr. Clive Dytor is one of many married ex-Anglican clergy who quit the Church of England in the wake of its 1992 decision to ...
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Simply put, you cannot, with any integrity, incorporate the Hail Mary ... The National Cathedral or, as it’s more formally called, the Cathedral Church of St. Peter and St. Paul, is a ...