West Middle School is among the teams to qualify for Roar of the Robots, a statewide robotics competition for grades 4 ...
An amendment was added to also ban communal sinks in schools. Lawmakers said it was introduced to bolster a 2023 law banning ...
Longleaf Elementary is on track to become Escambia County School District's first pre-K through eighth-grade school by fall 2027.
We are taking a closer look at how artificial intelligence is being used in every middle and high school in Palm Beach county ...
Calloway County Middle School Team #1 coach, Scott Pile said they are excited to represent western Kentucky at the National ...
Following the 2023 defeat of a $147 million referendum, voters in the West Fargo Public Schools district are voting again.
Voters in the West Fargo Public Schools district made their voices heard about the district’s latest bond referendum worth ...
There will be over 90 referendums on the February and April ballots. The majority will be on the April 1 ballot.
West Feliciana girls basketball coach Tim Washington takes coaching the three Berry sisters -- Sa'Maria, Sa'Naya and Sa'Lacia ...
APS leaders are investigating a situation at West Mesa High School. A basketball player and his coach are accused of using ...
Yamirra Woods spent a lot of time watching wrestling videos in the days before her first high school wrestling match. Woods, ...
Question 1, which would allocate nearly $100 million dollars for projects like completing Heritage Middle School and Horace High, is the only question to pass.